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Definition of "proposition" []

  • A plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal. (noun)
  • A matter to be dealt with; a task: Finding affordable housing can be a difficult proposition. (noun)
  • An offer of a private bargain, especially a request for sexual relations. (noun)
  • A subject for discussion or analysis. (noun)
  • Logic A statement that affirms or denies something. (noun)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "proposition" in a sentence
  • "“(ˆƒ n) ¦” with the proposition ¦ “There are two foreign words on this page”,™ which doesn't provide the grammar of the former ˜proposition,™ but only indicates an analogy in their respective rules."
  • "In his analysis of the Liar paradox, Russell assumed that there exists a true entity ” the proposition ” that is presupposed by a genuine statement (e.g., when I say that Socrates is mortal, there is a fact corresponding to my assertion and it is this fact that is called ˜proposition™)."
  • "Suppose we use the term proposition 'to denote the things that are true or false in the primary sense, leaving it open just what they are and in particular whether or not they are all sentences."