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Definition of "presentative" [pre•sent•a•tive]

  • Perceived or capable of being perceived directly rather than through association. (adjective)
  • Having the ability to perceive something directly. (adjective)
  • Ecclesiastical Capable of naming or of being named to a benefice. (adjective)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "presentative" in a sentence
  • "In an oral presentative and a five-page summary of hundreds of pages of work, Heymann said, he and his colleagues recommended the creation of “an organizational structure that could draw” on the experience of a small corps of the best interrogators currently working for the government who “could produce what would very likely be the best non-coercive interrogation or interviewing capacity in the world.”"
  • "As you can see, the reaction to Gordon Brown comprises 5 Labour MPs, 6 Union Leaders, a presentative each from Greenpace and CND but no opposition MPs and just 3 of those reactions were in any way less than completely positive about the speech."
  • "That what we here urge is true, i.e. that there are such presentative movements in the sensory organs, any one may convince himself, if he attends to and tries to remember the affections we experience when sinking into slumber or when being awakened."
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