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Definition of "mucker" [muck•er]

  • Friend (noun)
  • Friend or acquaintance (noun)
  • A type of worker during the construction of the first Los Angeles Aqueduct, who took out debris. (noun)
  • To scrape together (money, etc.) by mean labour or shifts. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "mucker" in a sentence
  • "Me old mucker from the GSFWC, Jim Steel, pointed out to me that Gwyneth Jones has reviewed INK in today's Guardian, so I nipped out to pick up a copy ... and was even happier to find that my review is directly under Audrey Niffenengger's review of Kelly Link's MAGIC FOR BEGINNERS."
  • "So she found that she was both safer and less safe because the mucker was her companion."
  • "Workers, who had lowered a remote-controlled digging machine called a mucker into the mine to speed rescue efforts, were awaiting the arrival of an electrical component so they could employ a digger with larger capacity."