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Definition of "kohl-rabi" [kohl•-ra•bi]

  • A variety of cabbage, in which the edible part is a large, turnip-shaped swelling of the stem, above the surface of the ground. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "kohl-rabi" in a sentence
  • "Sand boxes in cellars, pits or caves are desirable for beets, turnips, kohl-rabi, carrots, winter radishes and rutabagas."
  • "Parsnips, kohl-rabi, celeriac and salsify are prepared in the same way as are carrots."
  • "Stites, have a divinely implanted zest for the propagation of chard and rhubarb and self-blanching celery and kohl-rabi; they are kohl-rabid, we might say."