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Definition of "iron ore" [iron ore]

  • A mineral deposit from which iron can be viably extracted. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "iron ore" in a sentence
  • "The Turrialba Mining Company,1 a subsidiary of the Lincoln Mining and Manufacturing Company of New York City, was a large producer of iron ore and other minerals."
  • "Steel magnate Navin Jindal is on a week-long visit to Bolivia to give a push to his plans of investing $ 2.1 billion in the next few years in mining and setting up an integrated 1.7 MTPA steel plant, a 6 MTPA sponge iron plant, a 10 MTPA iron ore pellet plant and a 450 mw power plant in the South American nation."
  • "Most of the boats were not the romantic, curved whalers depicted in paintings but sturdy, flat-bottomed, shallow-draft scows formerly used to carry iron ore down the river to Philadelphia."