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Definition of "gerbe" [gerbe]

  • A (wheat) sheaf (now obsolete meaning) (noun)
  • Something resembling a (wheat) sheaf in appearance (noun)
  • An abstract construction in homological algebra and geometry providing a certain type of generalisation for a sheaf (noun)
  • A kind of ornamental firework. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "gerbe" in a sentence
  • "But alongside feathers, flowers also sometimes get drafted in as a symbol for this unpleasantness: in France, you say gerber to refer to someone puking - a 'gerbe' can mean 'bunch of flowers'."
  • "Je vous envoie une gerbe d'enormes dahlias, tous des couleurs gaies."
  • "No idiom is more metaphorical than slang: devisser le coco (to unscrew the nut), to twist the neck; tortiller (to wriggle), to eat; etre gerbe, to be tried; a rat,"