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Definition of "excrescent" [ex•cres•cent]

  • Growing out abnormally, excessively, or superfluously. (adjective)
  • Linguistics Of or relating to epenthesis; epenthetic. (adjective)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "excrescent" in a sentence
  • "Scot actively engaged in parochial work, had his attention fixed upon the reckless improvidence of the 'excrescent' population, and welcomed"
  • "These were the facts which really suggested his theory of the 'excrescent' population, produced by the over-speculation of capitalists."
  • "She has been flanked on policing issues by Greenwood-Aurora Involved Neighbors (GAIN), who stepped up the heat a degree or two after seeing a big spillover of crime from the excrescent Aurora Avenue North vice strip into their residential neighborhoods to the west, and after documenting types of crime, locations and slow or non-existent police response."