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Definition of "eudiometer" [eu•di•om•e•ter]

  • A graduated glass tube closed at one end that is used for measuring the change in the volume of gases during a chemical reaction. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "eudiometer" in a sentence
  • "He also developed numerous other instruments, including the manometer, cyanometer, diaphonometer, anemometer and mountain eudiometer, the first electrometer (1766), a device for measuring electric potential by means of attraction or repulsion of charged bodies, and the first hygrometer, utilizing a human hair to measure humidity (1783)."
  • "The eudiometer, a most curious instrument for fixing the purity of air, by measuring the proportion of oxygen, was discovered by"
  • "N. Teclu has investigated the explosive limits of mixtures of air with certain combustible gases somewhat in the same manner as Eitner, viz.: by firing the mixture in an eudiometer tube by means of an electric spark."