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Definition of "dimly" []

  • In a dim manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dimly" in a sentence
  • "All the evidence gleaned, of course, in dimly lit caves, from the few, remaining, extant sources available to them."
  • "Years ago, in dimly remembered days as a starving bard, the King had bitten me and passed the curse of Crasts."
  • "Throw in the lukewarm defense of Rumsfeld by a mere handful of the Republican majority, the substitution of "support the troops" for any talk of "support the president" when referring to the war, the lack of pundits touting his "accomplishments," and I think the handwriting, no matter how dimly, is starting to appear on the wall."
Words like "dimly"