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Definition of "corruptness" []

  • The state of being corrupt. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "corruptness" in a sentence
  • "Every economic study shows that the costs to American industries and our economy would be disasterous unless we spent billions of dollars buying carbon credits from bankrupt countries like Russia and underdeveloped nations through a scheme that could rival the Iraq OIl for Food program in corruptness."
  • "Anyone one out there who thinks she is a maverick, who thinks she is an outsider to the corruptness of government, who thinks she would make a great president, either suffer from major stupidity, have a sexual obsession or just do not care about our country and only care about their party or movement winning at the expense of everyone else and at the expense of our country."
  • "The Law is supposed to serve the needs of the People, not legalize the greed and corruptness of the Corporations."