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Definition of "dallier" [dal•li•er]

  • One who dallies; a procrastinator. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dallier" in a sentence
  • "I used to go by hours, but I've found that I'm a dallier."
  • "His is a prose that almost palpably exudes probity and decency (a very Orwellian word, that), while his political trajectory - from disaffected Etonian schoolboy, to disaffected imperial policeman, to disaffected dallier in the pays-bas of the Depression, to convinced socialist warrior, to disaffected socialist and anti-communist whistle-blower - also speaks to us of a probity and decency, which all too often seems absent from our mercenary, venal and debauched age."
  • "Now is Charles Pender thinking of leaping to provincial politics this fall, alongside former Reform/Alliance-dallier and former Liberal candidate wannabe Steve Kent and how many other municipal councillors and mayors eager for an MHAs salary?"